Welcome to my blog!

A space where I delve into yoga, cyclical living, Ayurveda, identity and beyond.

A sanctuary where I explore, uncover, reflect, unlearn, reclaim and peel back the layers of conditioning as I come back home to myself.

An oasis where I fully embody my authentic self.

My 5 Summer Self-care Essentials
Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani

My 5 Summer Self-care Essentials

Thanks to my menstrual cycle awareness and yoga practices, there are 5 simple (and free!) practices I always come back to that ground me. These are my non-negotiables ~ they bring me back into balance, back into my body and back into connection with myself. Here are my 5 summer self-care essentials…

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The Four Seasons: Inner Autumn
Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani

The Four Seasons: Inner Autumn

What's happening in your body?

Your progesterone level continues to rise before falling, along with oestrogen if you're not pregnant. Much like the season of Autumn, this is a time of harvesting, editing and letting go. Just as the animals prepare for winter during this season, our bodies are preparing to bleed. You may notice that your energy levels begin to fall as your awareness turns inwards. You may feel less social and favour alone time.

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The Four Seasons: Inner Summer
Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani

The Four Seasons: Inner Summer

What's happening in your body?

Your oestrogen levels peak and an egg is released. Your testosterone levels also peak. After ovulation occurs, progesterone is released. Much like the season of Summer, this is a time of celebration, joy and gratitude. You may notice that your energy levels are at their highest point and you feel ready for action and adventure. Alternatively, with the peaking of your hormones, you may feel overwhelmed and frazzled. (Remember there is no right or wrong, there is just your experience of how you feel)

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The Four Seasons: Inner Spring
Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani

The Four Seasons: Inner Spring

What's happening in your body? Your uterine lining begins to thicken as your body prepares for ovulation. With the gradual increase in oestrogen, your energy levels begin to rise again. Plus testosterone increases on the last few days of this phase. Much like the season of Spring, this is a time of new beginnings, fresh perspective and possibility/potential/hope. As our energy levels begin to grow, we feel like going out into the world more.

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The Four Seasons: Inner Winter
Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani

The Four Seasons: Inner Winter

Your hormones are all at their lowest levels during this phase as the uterine lining breaks down. Much like the season of winter, this is a time of slowing down & hibernation, of rest & stillness, of reflection & release. How I feel: Since I started tracking my cycle, I look forward to being on my period. I never thought I would say that but it's true! During the first few days of my period I feel tender, soft and slow. I am acutely aware of my body - especially my womb space. I rest as much as I can and when that's not possible (because ya know - life!) I do only what's absolutely necessary - slowly. Very, very slowly. How I support myself: My rituals during this phase ~ an ending of one cycle and the beginning of the next ~ are some of my favourite.

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No One Is Coming To Save Me
Cyclical Living, Identity Jyoti Rani Cyclical Living, Identity Jyoti Rani

No One Is Coming To Save Me

It's Saturday evening at my parents house and we are all gathered in the kitchen to eat dinner. The table is filled with delicious Indian food - chilli paneer, the world's best paneer spring rolls, spiced potatoes stuffed in bread and deep fried, fresh mint & coriander chutney and more. I am in food heaven.

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Four Ways To Live Cyclically
Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani Cyclical Living Jyoti Rani

Four Ways To Live Cyclically

Hatha yoga teaches that we each have a feminine and masculine side. The right side (ha) is the masculine side and is represented by the sun and the left side (tha) is the feminine side and is represented by the moon. The purpose of yoga is to balance both of these energies to create harmony.

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Want to learn more?

Listen to the podcasts I’ve been interviewed on

Listen to my free menstruation meditations