The Four Seasons: Inner Autumn

This is the final post in our series exploring the inner seasons of the cycle. If you missed any or would like to re-read them, you can find them here:

An important note before we get into inner autumn:

**There is no right way or perfect way to experience your menstrual cycle. My writing refers to my personal experience, my clients experience or a generalised experience but that doesn’t mean it will be your experience. So as you read these posts, take what feels right for you and discard the rest. Ultimately, your experience overrides anything I say. Our cycles are constantly changing and what matters the most is that you honour your cycle in your own way.**


“Here she is, my inner enchantress, my wild woman, my takes-zero-bs-attitude. Welcome!”

What’s happening in your body?

Your progesterone level continues to rise before falling, along with oestrogen if you're not pregnant. Much like the season of Autumn, this is a time of harvesting, editing and letting go. Just as the animals prepare for winter during this season, our bodies are preparing to bleed.

You may notice that your energy levels begin to fall as your awareness turns inwards. You may feel less social and favour alone time. Remember there is no right or wrong, there is just your experience of how you feel.

How I feel:

I used to feel bloated and have mood swings that made me think I was 'crazy'. My inner critic was running the show and it was only when my period came that I understood what had been happening. Thanks to my menstrual cycle practice, my PMS has, on the whole, disappeared and inner autumn is now my favourite phase. Through charting my menstrual cycle I have been able to understand my superpowers in this phase and work with them.

How I support myself:

  • Move my body ~ lifting weights feels fantastic throughout most of this phase. Then 2-3 days before I bleed, I slow down my movement opting for walks and gentle asana flows

  • Life editing ~ organisation and editing comes naturally during this phase. That includes organising and decluttering my physical space, as well as editing documents and decluttering my online space.

  • Truth telling ~ the rose-tinted glasses of oestrogen have disappeared and my tolerance for BS is low, very low. I reflect on the last few weeks and assess what worked, what didn't and why - I get super honest with myself here. I also use this time to set boundaries with myself and others as needed.

How I support my clients:

  • Slow down ~ I remind my clients that their body is preparing to bleed and we explore how they can take things a little slower and what they can say no to.

  • Inner critic journaling ~ for many of my clients, their inner critic is strongest during this phase. You know, that voice in your head that tells you you're too this or not enough that. This is something I struggled with too. I encourage my clients to journal about this, letting the words flow onto the page. We then come back to this in their inner Spring when they can look at it more logically and take action.

  • Connect to your Inner Enchantress ~ each phase has its own archetype and connecting to my inner enchantress was a game changer. During my Devoted sessions, we journey with the inner enchantress and learn to embody her in all her glory. By owning this energy, we become the driver. We rewrite our story rather than allowing our inner critic to run the show.

There is deep wisdom that runs through your bones, blood & body

Uncover your innate cyclical wisdom and learn how to embrace the four phases of your menstrual cycle with my bespoke 1:1 sessions, Devoted

I love to…

  • Listen to ~ my playlist release | autumn

  • Spend time alone ~ amping up my self-care with walks and a podcast, curling up with a good book, early nights or anything else my heart desires

  • Practice garshana (dry brushing) and abhyanga (oil massage) ~ these Ayurvedic rituals are a must during this phase to support my body as she prepares to bleed

Journaling Prompts

  • How do you feel in this moment?

  • How will you slow down during this phase?

  • What has worked well this cycle? How can you continue that in your next cycle?

  • What hasn't worked well this cycle? How can you change that in your next cycle?

  • What are you ready to let go of?

What’s your experience of your inner autumn phase - email me at to let me know.

With love & gratitude,

Jyoti x

Read the other blog posts in this series: menstruation ~ inner winter, pre-ovulation ~ inner spring, ovulation ~ inner summer and pre-menstruation ~ inner autumn


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