What makes me different?

Last week The Hearth chose me as their Woman of the Month ~ woop! I had an interview with them and one of their questions got me thinking about what makes me different.

When you run a business, you often get asked what’s your niche? or who’s your target market? All the business books and experts tell you that it's absolutely critical to success. Yet I used to avoid thinking about it. I used to think that what I was doing was for everyone, because I truly believed (and still do) that I could support anyone on their journey back home to themselves.

But after some years of experience I realised that whilst I could support anyone, that person would need to be ready to truly hear and receive my unique gifts. And not everyone is ready. I'm not going to be for everyone and guess what? That's ok! 

When I went through my rebrand I thought long and hard about who I serve and who I want to serve. What type of clients I have and what type of clients I wanted to have. Which companies I work with and which type of companies I want to work with.  

It quickly became clear to me that my niche, my target market, my people are conscious souls. People, I imagine, like you.

By conscious souls I mean people who value a decolonised approach to wellbeing that encompasses inclusivity, diversity and an honouring of indigenous wisdom.


Decolonisation is an integral part of my philosophy. It's entrenched in everything I do as a Menstrual Cycle Coach and Yoga Teacher. It’s what led me to create my podcast ~ Decolonizing Wellness. I’ve been on quite the journey so far as I decolonise my own mind. From pronouncing my name correctly to everyone I meet to teaching authentic yoga to valuing rest as much as I value action and more.

I realised that whilst this way of thinking, coaching, teaching, sharing and being feels normal to me ~ it's not normal for most people in my industry. In fact, most practitioners are sharing a colonised version of wellness that excludes more than it includes. That encourages people to look outside of themselves for the answers rather than within. That puts a plaster on the wound rather than going to the root of the issue. That encourages people to buy stuff in the promise that it will solve all their problems.

So if you're a conscious soul, who values a decolonised approach to wellbeing that works then you're in the right place.

If you'd like to work with me to learn to live in sync with your cycle using indigenous wellness modalities then click here and book your free clarity call.

With love and gratitude,

Jyoti x


How To Show Your Menstrual Cycle Some Love


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